Apples should be bright in color. Look for bright reds, greens, and yellows. They should be firm when you touch them and should not have any bruises or damaged skin.
Avocados should also be somewhat soft when you lightly squeeze them to test for ripeness. You don't want an overly hard avocado. These fruits should not have any bruises or hard spots.
Bananas should be bright yellow in color and should be firm. You don't want to buy bananas with bruises. This fruit is fully ripe when the skin is bright yellow and starts to grow dark brown or black spots.
Grapefruit should be firm, almost bouncy, and heavy. Grapefruit should not have too thick of a skin.
Grapes should be brightly colored and plump, attached to green stems. If the grapes are leaking moisture, you should not buy them.
Lemons should smell like lemons from the outside of the fruit. They should have firm, tough skins.
Pick one that is plump and heavy for its size. Most importantly, the mango should be fragrant when held near your nose. If you'll be using the mango right away, you will want to find a ripe one. Mangoes are ripe when you can indent them slightly with your thumb. (Avoid mangoes that are so ripe, they feel mushy, or mangoes that have brown marks.)
Oranges should be firm and heavy. They should be bright orange in color, although it's not uncommon for oranges to take on a slightly green tint. There's nothing wrong with oranges that have this tint.
look for skin that is turning from green to yellow. Parts of the papaya may look bruised - this is normal. You should be able to press your thumb into the flesh. If it's too soft or mushy, or if it has a sweet smell to it, the papaya is overripe.
Peaches should smell like peaches from the outside of their skins. You want to buy peaches that are not the least bit green on their skins. Peaches should be firm and perhaps slightly soft.
Pears, if you use pressure on the skin near the stem, will give a little. The skin should be tough.
Pineapples will smell like pineapples and should have dark green leaves and a dry shell.
Strawberries should be firm, have a bright red color, and should shine just a bit.
Hope this helps!
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